Organized ADHD Mom  Artwork

Organized ADHD Mom

Are you sick of a house full of unwashed dishes? Unfolded laundry piles? And Goldfish crackers crush into the couch? Tired of losing your phone, keys, and wallet 5 minutes after you set them down? In this podcast, you will find inspiration for getting your house and life in order so that you can be there for your children and husband precisely as you want to. My mission is to guide moms with ADHD to calm their inner dialogue by strengthening their mental health, creating routines and systems, and teaching them how to use ADHD as an asset. I want you to stop chasing squirrels and feel like you are in control of your brain. If you are ready to stop chasing squirrels, eating your kid's animal crackers, and laundry piles, then I am here to help you reign in the chaos that is your life and embrace yourself! HI!! I am Kailyn Galloway. I thought I had my ADHD in control. I thought all I needed to do was to try over and over. And that worked until my son came along. I realized the ability to manage the house, medical appointments, my husband's schedule, and dinner was utter chaos. No matter what I did, I could not get ahead. I felt like I was constantly drowning in the sea of dishes and running from the never-ending repeat of "What's for dinner?" I finally realized that I needed to create a management system that would not only make a clean, tidy home, fold laundry, and all but time for me to take care of myself! Let me show you how to slow down that brain and create a lifestyle you love!

Organized ADHD Mom